Saturday, November 11, 2017

In The Bag: Ladies Edition

Women in the sport of disc golf often have a tough time initially finding discs that suit their game well. Many times it's their boyfriend or husband who gets them into the game, and their own personal bags can tend to influence the discs that ladies end up throwing. We often hear pro women stressing that women should pick their own discs, but what should they actually pick?

We recently got to look in the bags of both Paige Bjerkaas and Missy Gannon to learn a little more about what works well for ladies who throw.

What's In Paige's Bag?

Here's her lineup for 2017:

Distance molds - Trespass, Enforcer, Renegade
Fairway molds - Convict, Escape
Midrange molds - Warrant, Truth, Verdict, Justice
Putter molds - Slammer, Judge

What's In Missy's Bag?

Here's her lineup for 2017:

Distance molds - Defender, Latitude 64 Havoc, Westside King, Trespass
Fairway molds - Westside Hatchet, Convict
Midrange molds - Verdict, Truth, Justice
Putter molds - Slammer, Latitude 64 Pure, Deputy

What does your bag look like ladies? Share with us in the comments below!
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