Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Why Mental Etiquette Matters Just As Much As Your Mental Game

Anyone who has competed in disc golf tournaments knows the importance of having a strong mental game. Not letting errant shots or spit putts get the better of you can help to keep you focused and on track to improve your skills. However, there’s another mental element to consider when talking about disc golf as a whole.

Just like we have course etiquette when we play a round, there is such a thing as mental etiquette as well. Let’s review some things to avoid when on the course and ways to strengthen this side of your game.

What Not To Do

You’ve been playing disc golf for over a decade and in that time, you’ve perfectly dialed in your bag, you are capable of shooting 1000-rated rounds, and you follow disc golf news closer than anyone you know. During one of your weekend rounds, you stroll over to hole 1 after parking your car and getting your bag together.

At the tee are 7 people who all appear to be friends and who very obviously haven’t played a round of disc golf before in their life. They are each carrying one disc, aren’t dressed appropriately, and are taking their sweet time throwing. Sound familiar?

It’s happened to nearly all of us at least once before, and it’s normal to have a slew of thoughts running through your head. You look at these “carriers” in their flip-flops and wish you would have arrived at the course 15 minutes earlier. Here’s where your mental etiquette game comes into play - you nicely ask the group if you can play through and you’re equally as polite whether they say yes or no.

Flexing The Mental Muscle

This idea of being on your best behavior is really what we all talk about when we discuss what it looks like to represent the sport of disc golf. Take the above scenario one step further - if you weren’t in a rush and really wanted to show the group how awesome disc golfers can be, you could demonstrate to them how to execute a proper drive. While 7 people is a big group, the next time you run into a new player who is alone, why not give them a disc and help to grow their collection?

Individuals outside of the sport can also benefit from your efforts to represent disc golf in a positive light. The next time you travel to a tournament and you see that a local business is a sponsor, go into that establishment in your collared dri-fit shirt and thank them for their support. Showing others that we truly care about the growth of disc golf encourages outside entities to become more involved.

We’d love to know how you see mental etiquette playing a part in the growth of a disc golfer. Whether you’re a pro on tour or you only play casually at your home course, there’s always room to represent the sport well. Share with us in the comments below the ways that you help to work your mental etiquette game!
  1. As I was practicing throws this week a small boy asked if he could throw too so I let him throw a bunch and at the end of my session he and his Dad each got a gift disc from me.

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